Thursday 12 May 2016

Review- Transformers Titans Return Blaster

When the Titans Return toy line was announced by Hasbro, I was very excited because we are getting the updated design of many Headmaster toys based on the IDW comics. While I enjoy the G1 Headmaster toys, I do feel the need for an update to the design as that would add more articulation to the toys which would greatly enhance posing and play. Some of the toys in the new line were re-designed into headmaster and I thought it could be a creative and interesting take on existing characters too. I chanced upon Titans Return Blaster online and so here are the pictures and some personal thoughts on the toy after handling them!  

Titans Return Blaster- Robot Mode

This is easily the best mode given to us! Blaster has a good height to him, much like his G1 counterpart. Most of the design stayed true to the original take on the toy with many articulations that were added to the toy. You can pose him in almost any way you like and the toy has broad feet and ankle joints which made him very stable for posing.    

Titans Return Blaster- Headmaster Face

The selling point to this line is the interchangeable headmasters. Once you flip the helmet back, you can remove the head/face and replace it with another headmaster. There is no limit to what you can do with this gimmick and many of the fans are just waiting for third party companies to release more headmasters!  

Titans Return Blaster- Headmaster Bot Mode

So, the robot mode of the headmaster is supposed to resemble the big bot. You can see the tiny speakers forming the legs, similar chest design and head sculpt. Personally, I think that Hasbro has nailed the design of the headmaster and I am thrilled to have fun with the other figures from the line.

Titans Return Blaster- Accesories

The accessories to the toy are very simple. You get the tape that fill the chest cavity, ramps that fit onto the base mode and rifle. I remember the representative from Hasbro mentioning in a toy reviewer's video that the tape accessory was a given and you do not need to buy another Transformers toy like Legend class Buzzsaw just to fill the cavity of Blaster. I appreciate that gesture as they could have easily left that out to make you buy more toys. On a side note, the recently released Buzzsaw does fit the chest of Blaster perfectly.  

Titans Return Blaster- Base Mode

Hate it or love it? I do not need a base mode for Blaster. I am trying to reconcile my love for G1 Blaster with this new base mode. However, the child in me digs it! It brings me back to the days of Mighty Max where you can use the tiny headmaster to interact with the design of the base! 
Titans Return Blaster- Alt-Mode

The transformation to the alt-mode is fun and intuitive as you fold and squeeze everything together. It's compact and the mould is not boring at all! Rather than the flat and smooth surface we got from the G1 toy, the updated cassette player mould has layers to it. Sadly, you can only interact with a button to eject the tape. I wish they have added more moving buttons/switches in this mode.  

Titans Return Blaster- G1 rifle fits him too!

Overall, while the Combiner Wars toy line has brought us fun with the interchangeable limbs, different combinations and large bots, the Titans Return toyline may just be a big hit with collectors of all ages because of the updated bot designs and the interaction between the headmasters and different modes.  

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