Thursday, 30 June 2016

Our journey so far... On Instagram and blogging

Unknowingly, this blog has went beyond the 21st entry! While it is not a big number, it is a good time to take a hard look at where we are and how things are moving forward.

So about Instagram and blogging...

I am kind of hitting 1900+ followers on Instagram over at @sgtoydude, but what does that mean? Truth be told, it means a lot to me in terms of the connection that I have made with people since the account was created. My close circle of friends don't exactly support the toy collection as it is still viewed as something mature adults would not do. Much less having followers on  an Instagram account on toys. However, I really enjoy posting pictures of the figures that I have and going into discussions with collectors from all over the world. I did not enter the toy-collecting scene early like most of the other collectors that I have spoken to. I am also not in as many social media platforms and communities as some are. In short, I am a small-timer in the hobby of giants. You get the reference to giants? You know, like Transformers and giant robots? Anyway, many have been gracious and kind in sharing their advice with regards to maximising the enjoyment of toy-collecting when this hobby is extremely heavy on the pocket and time.

Blogging is a platform for sharing my thoughts and I know most people on Instagram don't read. Actually, I am also not too sure who visits this blog but the viewing traffic shows people poping by. Hopefully they didn't come over here by mistake. But the fun and kick of this blog is really just releasing the stuff that goes on in the head and verbalising them to people who are following that writer's voice. Erm, believe me, I am not crazy! 

Are you chasing after numbers?

Believe me, while I am incredibly flattered even with this number of followers and readership, I am not here for the numbers. It's about self-awareness. Repeat after me, self-awareness. We have seen young people going into social media and calling themselves 'social influencers'. Let's face it, I am not a somebody. I am just a regular dad who happens NOT to grow up in terms of his choice of hobby and I just managed to connect with like-minded people. 

Are people persuaded to buy something just because I took photos or wrote a review? 

Of course there were people who did that! In collecting terms, we call it poisoning. Does that mean anything? Nope! I am not given free products to review and I may probably not be good enough because I am not a somebody in the media industry or someone with having over thousands and thousands of followers. Does that bother me? Nope! I mean it's nice to receive free stuff. Who doesn't like free stuff? I have received gifts but mainly from other collectors that became friends. Do I receive perks? Kind of. Some discounts here and there from sellers and having sellers to help me to hold on to preorders. Some share my Instagram and blog with others.

Does that mean I rave about a product or toy shop?

Obviously not. I always try to appreciate the positive qualities of products or services. If it's bad, you will hear it too. We don't need to criticise a product in order to sound honest in our opinions. I just hate to be another one of those who rant excessively on your feed on a product or service.

So what's next?

In this day and age, it's not difficult to get followers and readers. I don't say that in a way which devalues my followers or readers. I meant it in a sincere way that acknowledges my insignificance in a industry where people actually make a living out of the pictures and blog entries. 

But moving forward, it's about posting pictures of toys I like and sharing opinions on toys and the hobby because I truly enjoy what I do. If free stuff comes along, why not? If it doesn't, I will still enjoy this hobby for what it's worth. It has survived a relatively long time compared to the many hobbies I had when I was growing up and it has taken up a significant part of my house's design (my wife and daughter has to live with that). 

I will continue to look at toys from a casual collector's perspective. Why? I think one of the main thing that puts people off toy-collecting is the immense amount of information online and the geeky community that may seem intimidating. Sometimes, it's the simple and concise information or opinion will help someone pick up a toy.

If you have something to share or question for me, feel free to connect with me over Instagram @sgtoydude, email or comment below! 


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