Tuesday 2 February 2016

Toy Collecting Resolution For 2016

Like most people, I have experienced a flurry of activity from December 2015 to January 2016. After the massive house cleaning from the Christmas and New Year celebrations a few weeks ago, I had time to take a hard look at my toy collection and reconsider how I approach the hobby of toy collecting. At least I have the upcoming Chinese New Year to act as a symbolic start of a new period for change. Here are some resolutions for 2016:

1. I will open my toys for photography and/or review 
I don't know about you but I am guilty of hoarding. To make matters worse, I have unopened toys that were meant to be opened. Duh! I am not a box collector. I do struggle with storing loose toys and as I can't put all my toys on display. This resulted in unopened toys piling up while new ones come in. Granted, I have slowed down on my purchase and I have made it a point to consider carefully before making new purchases. So this year, I am going to open them up! Let it rip!
2. I will sell MORE toys
If it's still sitting in the box collecting dust, I should sell it. I WILL sell it. Let's face it. Some of us do suffer from buyer's remorse. I should sell the toys that I no longer value in my collection. Basically this applies to toys that I have not looked at for a long time. They may even have faded out of my memory. The struggle is very real especially when you are deciding which toy should go and how you should price them. But I really need to remind myself that by selling toys that I no longer value, the hobby can fund itself. Or at least I hope.
3. I will learn to store and display my toys neatly
This will greatly enhance the collection as I can be more organised to ensure that the amount of space is maximised. Currently, I am at a loss on storing loose toys. This resulted in the need for Resolution 1 as I rather leave the toys in their packaging than having to deal with the storage later on. Sometimes the solution of a problem is further up stream. Or may be I should just sell a lot more toys and stop buying toys altogether? Nah, I need to be realistic with my resolutions.
4. I will experiment with different elements for my toy photos
Perhaps it means taking the toys from different angle or lighting? Or maybe I can bring the toys outdoor? I don't want the hobby to turn stale by turning lazy. Kind of defeats the purpose of having a hobby in the first place. I mean there are so many great toy photographers for me to learn from on Instagram. Trying new stuff from pictures I enjoy will be fun. It's about the spirit of adventure and fun. I think.
5. I will not take this hobby too seriously
The irony is that I should learn to take this hobby less seriously. Hands up if you are guilty of the incessant need to check for new preorders or news on the toy series that you love? I am sure many of you reading this follows Facebook pages, Instagram accounts, forums, and YouTube channels for the latest toy updates and reviews. Sometimes we find ourselves doing it multiple times a day, sneaking an update between conversations, meals, meetings, and even toilet breaks. It kind of steal away the fun of focusing on healthy relationships and fun activities that make toy collecting a hobby than an obsession. 
I don't know about you but I have been collecting toys for a few years. I think if I want to continue this hobby, the element of maturity should set in to bring the hobby to a deeper and new level. Otherwise, like other hobbies I had in the past, it might just implode and burn out by itself. 
What are some of your resolutions for toy collecting this year? Share with me on your thoughts as I like to hear from you guys. :)

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